Hi Artur,
thanks for getting back on this.
I am aware of the fact that we are focussing on a complete replacement of the old computer.
But since I don't know how long it will take to have something that works, I thought it might make sense for someone who's looking for an alternative to his floppy drives.
And, of course, to complete the docs :-)
I also think it should be pretty straightforward to replace the floppy drives by anything that can talk SCSI (ZIP, HDD, whatever) - as long as the PROGRAM device has SCSI ID 1 and the REEL device has SCSI ID 2.
Again, I can only talk about the 3,5" drives - but 5,25" drives are much the same, just a different connector and different size of the floppies. Don't know about the 8" drives though. I once had one but sold it - guess it was SCSI or maybe SASI.
Due to Marc's problems with his drives, I opened up my drive unit just to see what's actually in there.
I also took some pics for documentation and was about to post a little more info on that maybe in the doku thread.
But if that's not needed (or wanted) I will refrain from that.