Author Topic: SSL4000G first recording session...OMG!!  (Read 4581 times)


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SSL4000G first recording session...OMG!!
« on: December 16, 2016, 08:32:29 PM »
It's Francesco here, I'm from Rome, Italy and I'm a noob with SSL consoles, so please be patient with me :-)

I've just been hired as studio assistant and guess what? the sound engineer quit and now it's everything in my hands, including an SSL4000G console...WOW that's great!! :-) but that's not so great if you've never worked on a console like this!!

Next week I'll have to manage a recording session with drums, bass, guitars and voice and I'm in serious troubles because I've had so little time with this here I am asking for some help.

This is what I need to do, in flow signal order:

- Use the channel strip PREs (for now the EQ and DYN modules will be OFF, let's keep it simple  ;)  )
- Use some external PREs and then go into the SSL at line level)
- go into my DAW and record (PT HD)
- back to the SSL possibly on the same channels used to record
- set the CUES for the musicians in prefader mode (is it MONITOR channel or MAIN channel?)
- set an AUX for reverbs

thanks to this page:
I 've almost reached the goal but I'd like to know from you people, HOW (step by step) you will setup your SSL to handle this session..and  with step by step I mean the status buttons you would use, which of the routing buttons (prefader, small fader, tape ready, group ready, input, output, direct, float)

my first tries today were in RECORD + VCAs to MONITOR mode and a couple of mics set with the main channel pre and an external pre. Then I've sent some stem tracks from the DAW to the SSL and I've found a way to have my cue aux in prefader...just don't know HOW I did it  :-[

I hope to get some good tip here..or maybe a step by step guide :-)

sorry for my english but my son just ERASED this whole post and I wrote it again...but the first one was waaay better!



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Re: SSL4000G first recording session...OMG!!
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2016, 12:30:41 PM »
Rec mode is cool but not needed. Use mix mode to start . Read up on "split mode" in the G operators manual . This way you won't have to use the same modules to send and return. Use "direct " to send out the module to its respective daw input( big fader controls the final send to tape). (No patching needed) and bring the outputs back to the right side of the console say ch 17-32 . Hit ready group to monitor sends to tape from the channel vu's. This way you can get a mix going on your return channels without disturbing the gain structure on your rec channels. You can thank us later. Cue stereo pre fader for cues. Inject bass,gtr,vox as needed on cues 1-4 or use the group outs (via small faders) if you have a patchable cue distribution system. This way you retain a stereo mix and forces the talent to play with each other and not for them selves. Don't be afraid to use some hi /low pass filtering to tape with the "split" button above the eq's for over heads and hat. You'll be fine!