It's Francesco here, I'm from Rome, Italy and I'm a noob with SSL consoles, so please be patient with me :-)
I've just been hired as studio assistant and guess what? the sound engineer quit and now it's everything in my hands, including an SSL4000G console...WOW that's great!! :-) but that's not so great if you've never worked on a console like this!!
Next week I'll have to manage a recording session with drums, bass, guitars and voice and I'm in serious troubles because I've had so little time with this console...so here I am asking for some help.
This is what I need to do, in flow signal order:
- Use the channel strip PREs (for now the EQ and DYN modules will be OFF, let's keep it simple

- Use some external PREs and then go into the SSL at line level)
- go into my DAW and record (PT HD)
- back to the SSL possibly on the same channels used to record
- set the CUES for the musicians in prefader mode (is it MONITOR channel or MAIN channel?)
- set an AUX for reverbs
thanks to this page:
http://www.recordinginstitute.com/da154/ARP/chap1SSL/sslb.html I 've almost reached the goal but I'd like to know from you people, HOW (step by step) you will setup your SSL to handle this session..and with step by step I mean the status buttons you would use, which of the routing buttons (prefader, small fader, tape ready, group ready, input, output, direct, float)
my first tries today were in RECORD + VCAs to MONITOR mode and a couple of mics set with the main channel pre and an external pre. Then I've sent some stem tracks from the DAW to the SSL and I've found a way to have my cue aux in prefader...just don't know HOW I did it

I hope to get some good tip here..or maybe a step by step guide :-)
sorry for my english but my son just ERASED this whole post and I wrote it again...but the first one was waaay better!