Temporary post for Christmas time 2012
Mattia Sartori, the person who created this forum (now bogged down in a studio for 12 hours a day during December), Andy Henderson (just about getting his custom SSL studio nearly finished) and Jim Lassen (currently involved in SSL wiring), all wish you a Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.
Thanks for visiting this site, registering and expressing your views. This was started in July this year and we have had 123 topics and over 700 views so far. There are 89 current members and there have been up to 50 people viewing this site in one day. Not much compared with other well known websites but this one is just 6 months old and just specialises in SSL matters.
This must surely be the website to visit for matters relating to SSL consoles and we all look forward to your increased interest, views and opinions during 2013. Hopefully, SSL, their dealers worldwide plus other companies involved with older SSL consoles can participate and contribute their knowledge as well.
Mattia (mata_haze) and Andy (sintech) are technical people and recording studio engineers. Jim (jimlfixit) just deals with wiring matters. We will do our best to answer your questions along with other viewers.