Hi Dan,
This is indeed very old, but not outdated at all! As we are pursuing forward with the new community computer we still need much information about the 8000, since this will be indeed one of the consoles which will have full support. We think we have things figured out, but there are always surprises and we really want to get this right.
At this stage I would be happy to have a complete console service manual (and why not user manual) for the 8000 which we don't have.
Currently we are considering the A,B,C and D buses, plus the object mapping differences for the 8000 channel strip. Is there any other differences?
If there's are any info regarding the details of the 8000 channel strip and bussing options, plus highlighting the differences of the 8000 channel strip would be great.
Also, if you have Total Recall, can you show us how is the recall panels for the channel strip please?
Photos would rock!
Can you be specific on you 8000 specs? We are looking for a person with the will to help us and availability to test hands-on and to be our point man on the 8000 consoles, for testing and bug hunting.
