Author Topic: Duality 96 channel - can it be cut down to 48 channels?  (Read 3940 times)


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Duality 96 channel - can it be cut down to 48 channels?
« on: September 21, 2017, 11:26:19 AM »
A purely academic query at this stage: what do you do with a 96-channel Duality? Buy a frame & centre section from SSL and cut it down to two 48-channels consoles? Is that possible and would it make any economic sense?

I think I know the answer but interested to hear from others who might have crossed (or burnt) this bridge

Nick Froome

Matt Sartori

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Re: Duality 96 channel - can it be cut down to 48 channels?
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2017, 02:59:33 AM »
I have extended and cut down 2 duality.
the CPU needs to be set correctly to sense however many channels you have. this is down on the main brain underneath the centre section flap (where the centre section screen is.
Some looms needs to be removed.
Compared to cutting down a 4000 it's really easy.

Matt Sartori.