Hi everyone.
Thought you may all be interested in this 48 pair loom which uses 6 x 8 pair 25 way D subs at each end. This was completed to go to and from a 96 way 12 x D sub patch connectorised patchbay, more commonly used these days, to an effects rack some 8m further on and was one of 2 x 48 way cables made.
It was made to go in a boat as the client just wanted less looms as possible (not 24 x 8 circuits but just two ideally).
It was interesting as it was being made for a boat (EelPie, for Pete Townsend, the Who guitarist) but boring to make (who wants to do 24 x 25 way D’s in one go?). The large boat, based in London, UK, has an SSL Duality console it seems.
I made sheathed 1m splits at either end as the main 48 pair cable is heavy and could put stress on the patchbay end at least. I also supplied some cable tie bases and ties so he could secure the cables to the sides of the racks. I also labelled the D Subs for each 48 pair loom in different colours so the user could easily see the difference at each end.
I have made 48 pair cables before but only for 2 x 24 pair SSL DL cables. This is a sign of the times whereby a 48 pair can be solely used for a single row of a 25way D sub patchbay (6x8 circuits) and go to and from another location.
If you wish to have larger looms like this made, get in contact (jimlassenwiring@btinternet.com).