Author Topic: 50 pin idc header male  (Read 3836 times)


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50 pin idc header male
« on: February 26, 2013, 10:41:50 PM »
does anybody know where to get the right size idc socket to fit into the connector panel under the patch bay?
digikey has one with latches on the ends, so i don't think it'll fit. it needs to have crimps for a ribbon on the other side, and of course be panel mount.

this is the digikey one:
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 10:53:20 PM by brewery »


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SSL 50 way S14E male chassis connector
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2013, 06:12:53 PM »
Hi Brewery

An answer to your question and a bit of SSL history!

SSL used T&B blue 50 way chassis sockets until about 1982 and then bought the more expensive, but better, grey 3M versions. I have some of the 3M types here which don't have the retaining latches fitted as shown in your picture. Send me a message on this (see my website for email address). I'll look up the 3M part numbers at some point and show all the details for the SSL 3M parts on this site.

The T&B (Thomas and Betts?) blue connector was a softer plastic and bigger than the 3M version. The grey 3M type was a harder more brittle material but their connectors were far better especially the socket connectors which had a glue film fitted so they stuck to the ribbon cable before you crimped it. Although more expensive, they are worth it as you will have fewer losses. Also, the socket versions had metal retainers at the ends which made them far more reliable.

For the record, there are different versions of these chassis male connectors. Some are 'bump', some 'click' and others are 'bump and click'. Cable socket versions also matched these. I'll explain as follows:

1 Bump: This is the connector with the centre cutout so you can't get the mating socket the wrong way round. The blue T&B early connectors were like this.

2 Click: (3M as an example) have 2 polarising positions near the ends where a separate piece of plastic gets inserted to identify the connector. You can have just one inserted or two fitted to give you three options (1, 2 or both). SSL generally fitted both to only give you one choice like the T&B version.

3 Bump and click: This is a combination of both types and the connector has the centre cutout plus the end polarising keys.

The 50 way S14E computer ribbon connectors fitted to the console were always prone to the ends breaking away so SSL fitted them (on most occasions) flush with the 3mm connector panel to stop this happening. Use M3 x 16mm screws, washers and nuts to space them back from the panel. Hope this makes sense!

The latched chassis plug version in your picture is probably made by Harting (it is not 3M nor T&B).

Regards from Jim Lassen and also on FACEBOOK

« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 08:10:15 PM by jimlfixit »


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Re: 50 pin idc header male
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2013, 07:07:56 AM »
thanks jim for the (as always) very detailed answer. i'll contact you via email (did you get my last messages btw?)