Thanks for the help. That exact issue appeared on today's conf call.
So you're saying that actually the CUTS IDC connectors aren't used and instead the >7.5v reference is used to detect if a CUT button was pressed? So you currently don't have any CUTS cable connectors and you can record CUTS automation?
This would actually make sense. On the Ultimation system the CUT is represented by a bit ON in the S14 cable, so it's natural that on these console's there weren't any CUTs cables connected. But that raises a question, if the CUTs are identified through the VCA voltages on non-utlimation systems, what the hell server the CUTS IDC connectors for?
By the way, can I ask you to take a picture of the connector panel under the console and post it here please?
Marc, please let me know also about your setup.
Thank you,