THD LABS -Tangerine Automation Interface - > NEWS

We’re back on the SSLMixed Forum!


Hello everyone,
It’s been a while since we updated the forum, we’ve been busy working on the Tangerine Automation Interface for SSL 9000 J & K consoles.

We’re thrilled to be back and reconnect with the SSL community.
For those who may not be familiar, THD-Labs has been involved in SSL console preservation since 2014. Our journey started here on SSLMixed while developing the original Tangerine Automation Interface for SSL 4K, 6K, 8K. We’ve since expanded to also support Flying Faders and GML Automation.

We're eager to dive back in, learn from you, share our experiences, and contribute to the vibrant conversations that make this community so special.
Our focus remains on developing and improving the Tangerine Automation Interface, a mature product that’s now installed in over 100 studios across the globe.

We're excited to hear about your latest projects, offer our insights, and continue supporting the SSL community.
Stay tuned for updates, discussions, and announcements from THD-Labs!
The Tangerine Team

Glad your here.

Welcome Back!


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